- If you have an account, enter your User Name and Password and click "Sign In". Otherwise click on "Sign in Anonymously". Signing in anonymously will only allow you to lookup applications.
- If you have an online account, but can't remember your password click here
- BE ADVISED, if this is your first time registering please contact the City of Vancouver Permit Center at (360) 487-7802 or
email the epermits account request form to permitcenter@cityofvancouver.us to have a valid web account created for you.
Access the Account Request Form here.
- If you are logging in for the first time, you will need to use the "Forgot my password" link to set your password.
- In the Online Building Permit Center you can pay fees, schedule and check the status of inspections and purchase mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits that do not require plan review. Click here to be redirected to ePlans, the City’s electronic plan review portal.